Posted by: blogofjoab | June 7, 2007

Yes, it is such a Christian thing to say

I received a comment to my last post (it’s the one right below this one) on the glory of God. Someone going by the name of Mithu left the following comment:

That is such a Christian thing to say. Have you ever tried looking at the wonderful world that God has created from the point of another religion????

That is the true Glory of God – that he creates all this – the world, galaxies, and also humans who believe in him in so many different ways – some fighting over each one’s definition of Him, some co-existing peacefully!!

Of course it is such a Christian thing to say…I am a Christian. And as for the question posed in the comment, I have read about the beliefs of other religions but I have never tried looking at the world from their point of view. To be honest, I’m not quite sure what is to be gained by that. The opening statement and the question that follows infer (four question marks for crying out loud) that I proclaimed my view as the only possible one, which is entirely inaccurate. I merely shared my faith, I never proclaimed any other religion’s view of the world as therefore wrong because it disagreed with my own. Furthermore, Mithu’s description of “the wonderful world that God has created” actually meshes with what I said, for in this wonderful world created by God we find His glory. Of course, Mithu goes on in the second paragraph to state that the true glory of God is that he creates “all this”, which is quantified by listing the world, galaxies and also humans. The remainder of the comment only serves to confuse me. I truly do not know what point Mithu was trying to make there.

I will mention, however, that there are many persons disputing who God really is. And, yes, some do fight over it while others are content to co-exist peacefully, despite their differences. I fall into the latter group. Well, that is unless some Islamic crazy decides to try and lop off my head in the name of Allah, in which case our co-existence would see the introduction of Sturm, Ruger and Company into the mix. I am all for freedom of religion, and I will say Christian things here in my own little corner of Ted Stevens’ Intertubes. I hardly see why that should be found to be ungainly by anyone.

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